When “What Gets Measured Gets Done” Collides with Lean Culture
In the Metrics Can Be Lean Too presentation, Larry Davis and Dave Mischler will challenge AME participants about rethinking conventional business practices and exploring possibilities for continuous improvement in a culture of trust. Learn more here.
The Association of Manufacturing Excellence (AME) 2015 International Conference takes place October 19-23. Larry and Dave’s presentation will take place 9:30-10:30AM in Room 206/207 on the 2nd floor. View more details about this session and be sure to register now to join industry leaders at the largest lean conference in the world.

The conference comprises of nine keynote speakers, 54 presentations, 40 tours, 18 special interest sessions and 40 workshops provide you with a transformational learning experience like no other. Learning from the insights of world-class, highly successful practitioners who have been there and done that, you are provided with a trusted source of knowledge that you can rely on to confidently make the changes needed to accelerate growth. The leaner processes are, and the more engaged people are, the more productive you become and the greater your bottom-line success will be.