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Daman Fluid Power Challenge

Updated: May 17, 2019

Work Shop Days: October 17th and 18th at Daman Challenge Day: December 6th at Notre Dame’s Stephan Center

The Daman Fluid Power Challenge offer hands-on education concerning fluid power and mechanical engineering concepts to Middle School students, while engaging them in a project-based challenge that requires team work, time and material constraints, division of labor, planning, and working to a goal.

Financial support from across the country has been strong as many recognize the value of private industry engaging in the education process. Become a sponsor to help us reach our goal and engage the local community students in this challenging, fun and educational experience. Contact us to learn more and become a sponsor.

2013 Sponsors:


Looking for a standard or custom manifold solution? Contact our Quotation Team at or by phone at (800) 959-7841.



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