Executive Summary
This year, Daman got off to a wild start! President, Dave Mischler, reports that orders are at the highest we have seen since late 2014, with customs being up nearly 50% just in the last 6 months. We certainly were not anticipating such a steep uptick in orders yet we continue to meet our customer’s needs!
Growing pains continue, though turnover rates are down from 2017. Improvements focusing on recruiting, training and retention of are among our top priorities. Training will help feed machine capacity, which in turn will reduce our need for overtime.
*Following procedures, no matter how hectic it may get, helps to save time in the long run, stressing the importance of getting it done right the first time.
IT Security
Jared Myers, our new IT Manager talked about IT Security, offering strategies to prevent cyber-attacks, as well as how to keep sensitive personal or professional information from getting in the wrong hands.
Don’t give out confidential info
Don’t use an unprotected computer
Don’t leave sensitive info laying around your office
Lock your computer and mobile phone when not in use
Report suspicious activity
Password protect sensitive files and devices
Use hard-to-guess passwords
Be cautious of suspicious emails and links
Don’t plug in personal devices
Don’t install unauthorized programs on your work computer
Thank you, Jared, for the tips!
Employees are the backbone of Daman Products. The Better Living Committee helps to coordinate employee events. This year is shaping up to be very “active” with all of the planned activities!
Employee Appreciation Meals
Our participation in the Sunburst Races
Golf Outing
Company Picnic
Kettle Bell & Cardio Drumming Classes
Service Awards and Employee Recognition
We were very busy with hiring in the first quarter, bringing in 14 new employees. Additionally, we had 39 employment anniversaries in the first quarter of the year. Nine of which were milestone anniversaries, including James Tobolski who is celebrating 35 years of service at Daman, second in number of years to only one other person.